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Presentation Of The Subject Industry Mailing List “knowledge And Method” (Degree In
Knowledge and method are two industry mailing list concepts in modern and contemporary thought. The will to achieve a secure path to knowledge, that is, a method that ensures that the reality we know, as we know it, is true, has focused the efforts of knowledge and the struggles between its representatives the last three centuries. And that is the subject of this subject. The so-called scientific method, and the industry mailing list thus obtained, has achieved hegemony. All disciplines that want to be scientific throughout the nineteenth century, will strive to conform to the only method that guarantees true knowledge. Not all disciplines or human activities will be able to meet the demands of science.
The twentieth century, moreover, industry mailing list see the bursting of many of the boundaries that hegemonic rationality and scientific discipline have strived to define over the past two centuries, which will give rise to industry mailing list  debates for the humanities and the humanities and social sciences. The subject works on the following skills: Ability for critical and self-critical thinking. Ability to understand and critically question ideas about the nature of reality, experience, and values that play a central role in understanding the world and ourselves. Ability to understand disciplinary particularities and read reality from an interdisciplinary perspective. Ability to know and use the different industry mailing list tools in the field of human and social sciences.
To work on these skills, exercises will be industry mailing list out, such as reflecting on the production of knowledge and the changes that modernity has incorporated into this important and defining human activity of our condition; we will review some of the models-criteria of scientific knowledge; we will examine the specific features of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences; we will discuss the role of emotions in the process of knowledge, and so on. During the process of continuous assessment, efforts will also be made to encourage basic digital skills (encouraging the use of industry mailing list applications - found in the classroom - and stimulating non-exclusively textual work), ensuring that this does not involve any added complexity or difficulty. and yes training and expansion of knowledge.

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